Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pattern Fight, Day One

A package came in the mail! It was none other than my materials for one of the entries in the Pattern Fight, Vogue 2556. Let's open 'er up.

The contents of the mailing envelope oozed forth. I was pretty happy with the colors; I had been a little nervous about ordering them based on the color shown on my laptop monitor. The green is a polyester for the under flap part. It felt about how I expected. The blue is a bamboo/cotton blend and it feels very soft. Both are knits per the pattern requirements. In retrospect, it was really really dumb to get these colors since the winner gets to go to a friend's wedding, and the bride is wearing blue with the wedding party in green. I'm reasonably certain that they're very different shades of blue and green, and the groom has assured me that nothing I wear to this thing is going to be a faux pas, but still. Is this going to be enough to disqualify this dress from the competition?

Magnus, the official cat of Superlemons, was eager to help, as always. There was a hole in the middle of the blue. I was able to place the pieces around it with no trouble. Even so, not cool, Not cool. I cut all the pieces and spent like half an hour putting in tailor's tacks. Now, before I had only encountered them in vintage patterns and quickly dismissed them as overly fastidious old-timey nonsense. However, they have well made up for the effort I put into placing them, and now I am born again tailor's tacker. Hallelujah!

The day ended with the dress partially assembled. It's both more and less complicated then it looks like on the envelope. However, I've reached the point where I need some snap tape to continue, which didn't stock and I've had trouble finding locally for a reasonable price. I have a budget to consider and a whole 'nother dress to build, after all.

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