Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Eagle Vs. Shark

If you haven't seen Eagle Vs. Shark, I highly recommend it. It's a romantic comedy from New Zealand has that sort of very awkward Napoleon Dynamite-style humor, but the story is a bit more sophisticated and it has actual emotional content. And it's got Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords!

Anyway, my boyfriend was the recipient of some pretty bad news recently on the job hunt front, and while pastries do not fill the same function as gainful employment I thought I would bake him something to cheer him up.

A little about me, I took some cake decorating classes in middle school--made it through Wilton level 3--and while I am super rusty I can still do an icing rose if I absolutely have to. The problem with cake decorating is I'm too lazy to do a proper job of it and cleaning tips afterward is not my idea of a good time. I decided to make the cake Lily makes for Jarrod in Eagle Vs. Shark since it's supposed to look like an unskilled home job. And here is the result of my efforts:

Obviously his name isn't Jarrod, but I think it's a pretty good likeness. For reference, and so I don't end up on Cake Wrecks for reasons other than being awesome, here is the original cake from the film.

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