Thursday, June 10, 2010


When I was a kid, my dad was able to borrow Macintosh computers from work, so I was used to having a pretty nice (for the time) computer. I was also able to skip the awkward DOS phase of PCs. Unfortunately, being a Mac user invited the scorn of the other children. I never understood this, because the OS was pleasantly Windows 2000y, and the other kids said that there were no games and I was all, what?

Now I chew through games like a bag of Cheetos, always demanding content and progress, but when I was a kid I could spend months if not years on a demo alone. Back in the 90s, there was actually a pretty vibrant shareware community for the Mac. This was before the spread of the web, so you would get these discs (floppy and later compact) full of demos and sometimes full games, which you could then get the full version by mailing some dude a check. Yeah, really. I'm not totally sure where the discs came from.

I will probably write about such gems as Scarab of RA, Taskmaker, and Escape Velocity at a later date, but today I was compelled to post because I remembered this weird one called Weekend Warrior. You were on some kind of surreal game show with a cast of waaaaacky contestants to choose from. Here's the official site, Mac users without compatibility issues can play it for free. I thought of it because there's one level in which you have to grab some plutonium (or was it uranium?) and upon getting it the weird announcer dude says "now you're cooking with plutonium!" which is something that's always stuck with me, for some reason. I find that it has worked its way into my rolodex of catch phrases. It's always the weird quotes that stick with you.

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