Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thousand Cranes

I've been through some sad times lately. As flippant as I am about it to others, I really don't think I'm dealing with it very well. Usually, people say that you need to cheer up, do things that make you feel better. That didn't feel right to me. I don't want to slather over my feelings with a layer of cheap happiness. I wanted to do something to really express my sadness.

I settled on making a thousand paper cranes. I don't suffer any illusions that it will grant my wish. It's really more about the process. I make ten cranes every day, no matter what else is going on. I'm about 450 cranes in at this point. I think what it's come to mean to me is that by working every day at a larger goal I can really accomplish something. It's a small change, achieved not through huge effort but through persistence and patience.

Small changes, followed through with, are what's going to make my wish come true.

Here's the first hundred, pictured with the knitted corkscrew of doubt and the blackwork pomegranate of shattered dreams (and pants).

1 comment:

the Editor said...

I think this may achieve both goals, as you will have a physical product of your work AND you'll be able to pretend that you are in Katamari land collecting all those damn paper cranes in that one level, WHY CAN'T I EVER GET ENOUGH KATAMARI YOU'RE GOALS FOR ME ARE TOO HIGH.